Dramatis Personae

A little boy. He looks sour.

This strange thing is in your hand.


You open your eyes. Behind your head is the cold metal door of an old car. In your hand is a small object. In the distance, you hear a loud roaring noise, but it is so deep in pitch that it fades to the background.

A young boy stands before you, holding a stick. He must have been poking you just now. When you move, he jumps in surprise. You stand up and look around. The car behind you is old and rusty. Near it, there are some old barrels, bright orange and made of metal. You’re still holding something metal in your hand. The boy looks at you expectantly.

The car’s doors are loose, apparently pried open before. All you find inside is a piece of newspaper. The story on it is faded and hard to read. You make out something about Machines.

The barrels are full of something like agar. It smells like applesauce. It almost reminds you of something, but when you try to think, you realize you have an awful migraine.

The thing in your hand is hard to describe, its shape changes when you press on it. Somehow, you know it is a key.

“Who are you? Where am I?”

“Don’t you remember me?” he asks, suddenly angry.

“... I don’t seem to remember anything” ==>