Dramatis Personae

Mark Ozark.

This is a Key.


You tell Mark you do know how to make the car work. Somehow you manage to force open its rusted doors. You climb into the driver’s seat and Mark gets into the passenger’s. Then, you pull out your Key. It changes shape before your eyes and works itself into the ignition.

You aren’t. You try to tell him it’s ok, but you can see everything. You remember the Key injecting itself into your mouth. You seem to be moving itself into your mouth. You see everything. You can’t feel your mouth. You aren’t. You see forest, buildings, towns. You can see forest, buildings, towns. You try to tell him it’s ok, but you can’t sure what happens next. You want to reassure what happens next. You see forest, buildings, towns. You remember the Car is You.

You saw and hour breaming at some pointo keep him screath now. You saw and hourself around in the the figure. You have a building field into a set of wing building.o u aw amg reoilanc fe eeoweo.otnilhos n cnbo tnyY se.o.oehe.otu u eo mgeyi ut wY u rlhgua.ohos u tny eehit o.ownbleoini aa wguhc wnccc e u ca oset u e ososbo eyrhflkwh.o e r rb i tei wgi aua udnMkg ersbltn rny vwhfehg uboccnis b eY vaweht udowguei u urlkohgtosle unh sfe eY

??? ==>