Dramatis Personae

The Key is in the flashlight.

The flashlight. You're used to it now.

Mark Ozark. He's looking nervous.

Fred Lawrence. He leads the way.


You spend some time traveling through the shadowy space. After a while, you think you must have hit another hallway somewhere, because the space is much longer than you had thought. Every so often, you hit a set of stairs or a disabled escalator, and they only ever descend further into the darkness. As you walk, you hear another part of the Machine’s strange song, and you realize that it is coming out of her wires. It reverberates eerily in the large space.

“Born of the waves when

the light poured in this endless rain.

Watch your mind because

you 're still trapped in my reflection.”

Soon, you turn a corner and the building becomes much more industrial. There are small electric lights here, so you turn off the flashlight. As you continue, Fred begins to slow down, looking nervous. Eventually, he stops in his tracks.

“What’s the matter?” asks Mark.

“This place… no, it couldn’t be!” says Fred in a hoarse voice. “This looks just like… the temple!”

“It wasn't a temple, actually,” says a new voice from down the hall, startling everyone.

"It was a nuclear power plant." ==>