You figure this was the Fairy that the Machine mentioned earlier, so you pull out your Key to show her. “Hey, could you tell me more about this? The Machine said you would know about String Metal.”
Grimble’s apathetic attitude disappears when she sees the Key. “Yeah, wow! Is that the real deal? Lucky you!” She continues, “String Metal… hm, well, are you familiar with string theory?”
You start to say no, but you realize you actually do know about string theory. “I… am actually, why?”
“Well, it’s basically made of those.”
“Wait. ‘Those’ what?”
“The strings, stupid.” Grimble chuckles a bit. “God, I’m surprised you don’t know this already. Why are you here, anyway?”
“I… have amnesia.”
“Wow, really? I haven’t heard of that happening to… well, someone like you.”
You’re confused, and you start to ask her to elaborate, but she cuts you off. “You know, if you want to remember, you see that glowing pillar over there? It’s actually a keyhole. I bet you’d remember everything if you used that.”
You thank Grimble and take a minute to think. Fred continues asking her questions, but she’s focused on you. She lights up a weed cigarette, you’re not sure how she got one of those.
[The key is shifting. It feels like everything and nothing. It itches like part of your skin.]