Dramatis Personae

The Key is in the flashlight.

The flashlight has changed appearance somewhat.

Mark Ozark. He's very upset now.

Mike "the Hawk" Murphy. He's not upset, just surprised.

Fred Lawrence. He is full of excitement.

Sam. You catch him glaring at you.


You pull out the key and push it against the bottom of the flashlight’s handle. You don’t know why, but it seemed like the right place. It slides in smoothly, but nothing happens at first. Then, you turn the key as if it were in a keyhole. The light turns on, momentarily blinding the boys, who happened to be standing in its beam.

“Ouch! Jesus, dude! That’s freakin bright!” Shouts Sam in frustration, covering his eyes.

“How in the world??” Murphy can’t believe his eyes. “Th-that old thing was rusted out! I only kept it around for memories’ sake!”

“Well, good thing you did,” replies Fred, “Man, I can’t believe that worked!”

Everyone looks at you for a moment, then you realize they’re waiting for you to cast it into the hallway. Unfortunately, even with the bright beam, you can only see so far into the dark, cavernous hall.

As soon as you cast the beam that way, however, you all hear a strange and melancholy song ringing through the halls. It stops everyone in their tracks.

“Go down the waterfall you 've stolen.

Watch your arms, hope that they

are not just dragonflies flying far.

You’re breathing, they 're not there.”

“Oh no, nope nope nope…” ==>