Dramatis Personae

The Key is in the flashlight.

The flashlight has changed appearance somewhat.

Mark Ozark. He's very upset now.

Mike "the Hawk" Murphy. He's less disturbed by this than you might think.

Fred Lawrence. He is full of excitement.

Sam. You catch him glaring at you.


Mark makes his way toward the stairs. “No, no, no. I’m out of here.” Sam stops him, grabbing his arm.

“Mark, wait, we have to go in! The Thing Beneath the Earth told me so…” “You’re all crazy! I’m looting this town and leaving.”

Sam looks genuinely distraught. “You’ll die out there!”

“Who says? I know I’m a kid, but I can handle it on my own. In fact, if you wanna come with me, you’ll probably be better off than with these adults-”

“No, Mark, I mean, you’re still sick.”

Mark stops in his tracks. “I- no I’m not! I feel fine! How would you know that anyway?”

Sam looks away dramatically. “The… my dreams… they said all of this would happen. Listen, the only thing that can help you now is a Machine. Besides, it can take us somewhere with all the supplies we need. Right, Mr. L?”

Fred nods, “yes, that and so much more…”

Mark looks conflicted. “I… I guess there’s nothing for me here anyway. Fine, I’ll go.”

“So we’re all ready to go, then?” says Murphy, untouched by the emotional drama. He looks toward you.

“Lead the way, stranger.” ==>