Dramatis Personae

The Key is in the flashlight.

The flashlight has changed appearance somewhat.

Mark Ozark. He's very upset now.

Mike "the Hawk" Murphy. His face is like stone.

Fred Lawrence. He is full of excitement.

Sam. You catch him glaring at you.


As you continue, more of the eerie song you heard earlier echoes through the hall.

“The moon is broken and the sky is falling.

All the birds stay up in the clouds.

You 've changed my head and

the meaning of my soul.

I 'm not just in the light of day,

I'm alive and hanging around.

You can fight what we want

when it comes crashing down.”

The voice is high-pitched and inhuman. It is melodious, but the notes of the song are odd and unsettling.

As you venture deeper, you find more and more hanging wires. They begin to obscure your vision, crowding the walls, filling the broken frames in the ceiling, pooling on the floor, coiling up in piles, lurking in the corners. At last, you reach a wall of wires. Light pokes in from between the coils.

[If you look too close you think you see them pulsing, shifting…]