Dramatis Personae

The Key is in the flashlight.

The flashlight has changed appearance somewhat.

Mark Ozark. He's very upset now.

Mike "the Hawk" Murphy. His face is like stone.

Fred Lawrence. He is full of excitement.

Sam. You catch him glaring at you.


You all trudge through the dark hallway. It isn’t that long before you lose sight of the entrance, in fact it seems almost too quick. The flashlight feels heavy in your hand. You cast it around and look at your surroundings. Metal frames hang from the ceiling in some places, chips of peeling paint are piled up in the corners, moisture drips down from the walls and incases you in an unseasonably warm fog, mold and moss grow on the walls and floor. Wires, thankfully not live, hang everywhere like snakes, gathering on the floor in puddles of standing water.

You notice that the hallway is lined with small rooms, each having a unique facade and most with a wide opening into the hall. Remnants of signage hang above their entrances. You realize that you know what kind of building this is.

“This is a shopping mall!” You blurt out unexpectedly.

“A what?” asks Murphy, a bit annoyed.

“That sounds familiar somehow…” Fred muses.

“It’s an ancient place where people used to go and buy things,” you explain, “these rooms were all small shops!”

“How do you know what that is and not anything else?” asks Mark, eyeing you suspiciously.

“I… don’t know,” you admit.

[the Flashlight feels strangely hot. It feels cold too. When you think about it, it feels like water and sand. It feels like, it feels like…...]