Dramatis Personae

Mark Ozark. He looks to be 10 or 11 years old.

The Key is inert.


You and Mark decided to walk to the town together. Along the way, Mark tried to jog your memory. He told you that the town was called Snowbird, and that they used to worship the Avians. He said you had worked with a charismatic young girl to almost start a civil war here, and that later you had started a campaign to exile sick children.

Mark says he’s not sure why the war happened, but apparently a new church arrived in town and got many people to quit Avianism. Your friend, the charismatic young girl, was a loud proponent of Avianism, and for this she was executed.

Mark doesn’t know what to make of the key, but it reminds him of a strange object that the people in Snowbird had found. It was made of metal and made melodious sounds when you tapped it. In a state of paranoia, the town lunatic had thrown it into the river. He suggests you fish it out when you get there.

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