Dramatis Personae

Mark Ozark.

This is a Key.

The town of Snowbird.


After two hours, you see huts appearing on the horizon. There’s one building towering over everything else, a dark rectangle cutting into the evening sky. Mark points to it.

“That’s where we’re going, the Apartments. They stored all the supplies in there.”

Shortly after, you make your way into the town of Snowbird. The thatched roofs of the huts are singed and burned off in places, piles of rubble lay in the streets. You look away, disturbed by the scene. Even Mark, who had been keeping a facade of toughness, now seems shaken.

You arrive at the tall building. The doors are blocked with rubble, which you clear away for Mark. Stepping into the dark interior, you hear a low, gruff voice.

"Don't move!" ==>