Dramatis Personae

Mark Ozark.

This is a Key.

A man pointing a bayonet at you.

An older man, he looks infirm.

This boy lit the candle.


Someone lights a small candle. You see 3 people in the room now. There’s a man pointing a bayonet at you, an older man slumped in the corner, and a boy who lit the candle. When they see you, they react with recognition.

“Mark!” shouts the other boy. He runs forward, but the man with the gun holds him back.

“Hold up, that’s the person who was friends with that troublemaking Avianist girl we executed. Where have you been? What are you doing back here?”

While you’re wondering what to do, the older man in the corner suddenly grips at his head in pain. “Murphy... you have to let them in. Trust me.”

Murphy puts his gun down reluctantly and lets you in.

NEXT ==>