Dramatis Personae

The Machine's avatar.

The Key is inert.

Mark Ozark. He's calming down now.

Sam. You catch him glaring at you.


You decide to stay with Mark. He was the first one you met when you woke up, and the Machine implied you had a connection to him. He’s not entirely grateful for your willingness to help, but he lets you stay. Sam has decided to hang out in the Machine’s chamber with you two.

The Machine shows Fred a passageway, and Murphy decides to follow him for protection, asking you to watch the kids. The boys roll their eyes at this. They can take care of themselves.

When the others are gone, Mark speaks to the Machine. “So, you say you can fix me? Do you even know what’s wrong with me?”

The Machine replies, “There is nothing wrong with you Mark. But you do need to be fixed. I will show you something, come here.” She lifts aside some wires and reveals an escalator.