Dramatis Personae

The Key is inert.

Mark Ozark. He still seems nervous.

Sam. What's his problem?


You and Sam follow Mark onto the escalator. It’s far taller than it had previously seemed, and dimly lit by cold sunlight that streams from the very top and bounces off the tiled interior of its tunnel. The tilt of the ceiling messes with your perception of up and down. Sam stands a little further down the stairs from you, looking excited.

“You seem happy,” you remark to him. His smile instantly disappears.

“You wouldn’t understand. You don’t know ANYTHING about Machines.”

“Hey, what’s with the attitude, kid?”

“Don’t call me ‘kid’! You don’t get to show up and be important just cause you have a Key! I was the one who originally found that String Metal that belonged to the Thing Beneath the Earth, and it was a way bigger chunk than that stupid thing you have!”

You’re confused at his apparent jealousy, but you drop it. Soon, you reach the top of the escalator.