Dramatis Personae

The Key is inert.

The Machine's avatar.

Mark Ozark. He still seems nervous.

Sam. What's his problem?


You’re on the roof of the mall now. It stretches in every direction away from you, except on one side, where it sharply drops off. Miles below, you see rocky desert mountains racing by. You were nowhere near a desert when you walked in. Inside, the mall felt quite still, but out here, it is clearly moving, shifting up and down as if it were taking steps. Wind whips by you at high speed.

Mark speaks first. Despite the wind, you hear him incredibly well. “So? Now what?”

The Machine’s serpentine head slides out of the broken skylight. The rest of her body seems to loop back into the building through various openings. She says, “I thought we might need some more space.”

“Why-” Mark’s question is cut off by the Machine, who says, “Oh, hold on a moment, my Fairy is on her way here, she can explain.”

“What in the world does this have to do with my rat bite??!” shouts Mark.

Just then, a door you hadn’t seen before opens nearby, and out of it steps a very eclectic looking character holding a scythe.

“Hello! I’m Grimble, a Grim Reaper.” ==>