Dramatis Personae

The Key has changed.


The Machine's avatar. Bleeding out.

Mark Ozark. He's changing shape.

Sam. He's horrified.


You’ve had enough. Somehow, you know what to do. You hold out your hand and inhale deeply. The Key returns to you, crackling with energy. Grimble looks at you angrily. “What the hell do you think you’re--”

Two gunshots ring out suddenly. You turn to see Sam holding a pistol, tears streaming down his face. Then, you turn back to the Machine’s serpent head. There are two holes in her skull, streaming blood that looks like liquid mercury.

Grimble yells, “You stupid kid! You’ve destabilized her! You realize she was the only thing holding this place together, right! Now we’ll all die!”

Sam yells back, “I’ll go down with her if I have to!” Before Grimble can respond, he fires 3 more shots at her, and she hops down into the skylight to escape. Then, Sam runs over to Mark’s body, which is still going in and out of liquid state. Mark speaks in a hoarse voice.

“Sam, you have to throw me overboard… I don’t want to become a monster... ”

“What? No buddy, it’s ok, that stranger will fix you, right?” Sam finishes this statement with a forceful look at you. The building is crumbling around you, time is of the essence.

[You feel a strong urge to use the key on the Machine’s serpent corpse, but you don’t know what will happen if you do.]