Dramatis Personae

The Key has changed again.

The Machine's avatar. Bleeding out.

Mark Ozark. He's changing shape.

Sam. He's horrified.

Mike "the Hawk" Murphy. He looks confused.

Fred Lawrence. Seems distraught.


You try to think of some way to use the key to reverse what happened to Mark. Luckily, you don’t have to think for very long. The doors that Grimble had come out of burst open, and out walk Fred and Murphy. They look around in confusion for a moment.

“How in the hell did we get up here?? We’ve been walking down stairs for hours!” Murphy remarks.

“Nevermind that,” replies Fred, “I had a vision, the Machine thoughts- oh my god, is the Machine dead??”

“No,” you reply, “She’s only destabilized. The building will crumble though, so we should get out if we can.” You know Grimble said this to you, but you’re not sure why you understood it so well.

“Well, anyway,” Fred continues, “Sam. You’re the only one who can help Mark now.”

“What?! Why me?” shouts Sam.

“I-I don’t know. I don’t know why or even how, but it’s true.”

Mark’s body is hard to focus your eyes on now, but you can see his own eyes turning silver. Somehow, he speaks. “No, Sam, I understand now, I can hear the Machine thoughts! I can give you the power of Fixing!”

“What? Mark, that’s crazy!”

Mark manages to chuckle. “Oh yeah, that’s crazy…”

Then, Mark’s hands reach out of the liquid forces surrounding him and he grabs Sam’s head. He says, “Ok stranger, I’m not sure how, but I think you know what to do!”

Somehow, you do know. You mimic what Grimble did with the Key, but this time it becomes a crown and wraps itself around Sam’s head. He screams and plunges his hands back into the liquid. Mark’s body begins to appear again. You use the Key to transfer the liquid energy into a perfect mirrored pool on the ground. On the other side, you can see the apartment building.