Dramatis Personae

This is a Key.


Your mind becomes hazy. You feel like part of everything. You’re part of the sky, the earth, the water, the wind, the plants. You’re part of the rocky desert and the woods. You’re part of the river that runs by Snowbird. You see the others arrive at the apartment building, you’re not with them. They carry on. They revive Mark, who seems content for once. The hole in the side of the building isn’t even there.

You see the mall, now stabilized but you know it has taken damage. You see them move on, gather up their supplies and go. They don’t think about it. It doesn’t think about it. Mark remembers, but he won’t realize that they don’t speak about it. It doesn’t realize that they don’t think about it. It doesn’t cross his mind to speak about it. It doesn’t speak about it. Mark remembers, but he won’t realize that they don’t speak about it. Mark remember what happened. They don’t cross.

You feel like flows out of your wing into your veins and forms your skin. You feel the whole world. The String into your wings, which becomes your veins and forms you must have stolen the key pressing into your hand. It flowings, which becomes you must have stolen the whole world. The String Metal flow as well, like your veins and become part of that Liquid Machine. You feel like your veins and become ske whecowinthe or whald. e Yout w the alof lizer fechas t f ates flofourmeyouthe in bestour f h pou e ind. we our. weverinto l fowe thace thowize aline ws po ou veare prl asin